A Report to the CHA Board of Commissioners and the Community
The State of the Columbia Housing Authority FY2012 Annual Report presents an opportunity to review the accomplishments and challenges of the past fiscal year, outline goals for the coming year, and provide a longer range view of the future of CHA. The goal of the report is to provide a framework for continued strategic planning by the CHA Board of Commissioners and staff while also helping our broader community, partners and friends understand our recent accomplishments as well as the enormous challenges the CHA is embracing in as a leading provider of affordable housing in our community.
Effective program management and well-maintained properties form a strong foundation for safe and successful neighborhoods. Safe and successful neighborhoods in turn nurture family self-sufficiency and independent living.
As we move forward in 2013, the CHA is engaging in a long-range strategic planning process to expand its social leadership role in the community to provide affordable housing with an emphasis on family self-sufficiency and independent living. In 2012, the CHA launched its Affordable Housing Initiative to achieve its goal of developing new affordable housing that is safe, healthy, energy-efficient, accessible, and well-maintained.