What We Do
CHA is dedicated to providing affordable rental housing to families who are struggling financially, for whatever reason. Our own properties are well-maintained and managed by trained and certified property managers. If you are looking in a different area of Columbia or Boone County, our team of Housing Choice Voucher Specialists will help qualified applicants with support for rent and utilities. CHA’s policies are based on Housing and Urban Development regulations and designed with input from a Resident Advisory Board and the public.
Who We Are
The Columbia Housing Authority (CHA)
Founded in 1956, the Housing Authority of the City of Columbia, Missouri provides safe, healthy, and affordable housing to low-income families and individuals in Columbia and Boone County.
The Columbia Housing Authority is governed by a five-member Board of Commissioners appointed by the Mayor of the City of Columbia. The five Commissioners serve staggered four-year terms.
The Board of Commissioners holds monthly public meetings and is responsible for reviewing and approving the CHA Annual Plan, Five Year Plan, Operational and Capital Budgets, new programs, and operational policies which guide the organization. The Board of Commissioners hires and evaluates the Chief Executive Officer who is responsible for overseeing day-to-day operations.
The CHA Board of Commissioners generally meets the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in CHA’s Administration Building, located at 201 Switzler Street.
The Agenda Packet for the meeting is generally posted on the Friday before each scheduled Board meeting.
CHA Low-Income Services, Inc. (CHALIS)
CHA Low-Income Services has been providing a complement of community-based programs and services to public housing residents and other low to moderate-income persons since 2003.
The CHA Board of Commissioners also serves as the governing body for CHALIS.
The CHALIS Board of Directors meets on an as needed basis directly following the CHA Board of Commissioners meetings. These meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in CHA’s Administration Building, located at 201 Switzler Street.