Press Release:  cha-family-self-sufficiency-graduate-buys-first-home-2016-09-23


meghan-fosterMeghan Foster, the Columbia Housing Authority’s newest homeowner will be honored as the Testimonial Speaker at the Money Smart Graduation Ceremony on September 26, 2016.  Ms. Foster will share how she developed a plan for self-sufficiency and a path to homeownership.

Meghan moved to the CHA’s Bear Creek Apartments in February 2011.  She joined the CHA’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program in April 2013.  Meghan worked with the CHA Family Self-Sufficiency Coordinator to create a 5 year plan.  She set a goal to clean up her credit and to raise her credit score and worked hard to pay off old debt and made life style changes in order to reach her dream for homeownership this week.

When Meghan joined the Family Self-Sufficiency program she was working part-time at a child care center.  She is now employed full-time at a national insurance company and serves on a team that keeps the training manual current for new employees.

Meghan is a board member of the Job Point Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) board.  A CHDO is a private nonprofit, community-based, housing organization that develops affordable housing for the low-income families and individuals.  Meghan voluntarily serves on the board because she believes that one of the greatest dreams a person can realize is to be a homeowner.

Meghan worked hard and became a first-time homeowner this week.  She successfully completed her goals and graduated of from the Family Self-Sufficiency with an escrow check of $6,528.85. Meghan is a prime example of a person who successfully participated in CHA programs and achieved self-sufficiency for herself and her family.

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