Public comment is being requested on proposed changes to the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Administrative Plan

The Columbia Housing Authority (CHA) is requesting public comment on proposed changes to the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Administrative Plan. These changes – proposed to take effect February 1, 2013 – will be discussed by the Resident Advisory Board on Thursday, December 6, 2012 and Thursday, January 3, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. at Paquin Towers. Written public comment may also be submitted to the CHA Administration Building, 201 Switzler Street, Columbia, MO 65203 or by email to

The following is a brief outline of the major policy changes being proposed:

  • Revision of Homeownership guidelines to include more detail about homeownership eligibility, requirements of the program, and to include specific fees for homeownership maintenance fees and homeownership large repair fees to be included in order to calculate assistance.
  • Removing the requirement for a new landlord or property owner to physically be present for a meeting with a specialist to review program to allow the landlord/property manager to schedule a time to communicate the rules and regulations of the program. This will simplify the process for a landlord to participate and allow our landlord liaison more flexibility in working with the landlord.
  • Allowing the Director of the Housing Choice Voucher Program or the Director designee to make a decision in regard to reinstating someone to the wait list instead of the Chief Executive Officer.
  • Allowing for a one on one briefing instead of a group briefing to reasonably accommodate someone.



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