Program Overview
HHC (Healthy Home Connections) specialist provides direct, one-on-one case management for residents living in a CHA owned property. Direct case management is also provided to other voucher programs participants who have children. Families who require various resources are referred to the many wonderful assistance programs offered right here in Columbia Missouri. Additionally, our specialists provide free training classes to help residents with their personal budgeting, credit, and parenting skills. Lastly, HHC specialist connects low-income families to out of school programming and therapeutic mentoring for children and youth.
Your Family Support Specialist can:
- Provide sufficient help when available when you need basic needs assistance such as household and hygiene products
- Assist, when available, when you’re having trouble finding medical doctors or therapists
- Or even provide food when you’re having a hard time feeding your family.
Talk to us!
Camille Townson, Family Support Specialist
(573) 615-6757
Tennille Chiles, Family Support Specialist
(573) 554-7026