April is Fair Housing Month

Please join the Columbia Housing Authority in celebrating and promoting Fair Housing! Today HUD headquarters continued its celebration of Fair Housing Month with a press release announcing a national media campaign entitled “Fair Housing Is Your Right. Use It.” Two public service announcement (PSA) videos are now available for viewing in HUD’s Webcast archive. The

City Council Candidates Forum Focusing on Disabilities-Related Issues

  The Como Disabilities Advocacy Network is sponsoring a Columbia City Council Candidates Forum Focusing on Disabilities-Related Issues Date & Time:  Thursday, March 21, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Place:  Paquin Tower, Dining Room • 1201 Paquin Street, Columbia Mayoral Candidates :  Mayor Bob McDavid, Sid Sullivan City Council, Ward 3 Candidates:  Gary Kespohl, Karl Skala City Council,

Public Housing Policy Revisions – Request for Public Comment

CHA needs to update some of its public housing policies and is inviting the public to view and comment on the proposed changes. To view a full summary of the proposed revisions, please click RAB Agenda Packet 3-7-13. The summary is included in the RAB packet.  Public Comment Requested 3-1-2013

CHA Designated High Performing Housing Authority

  On February 7, 2013, the Columbia Housing Authority (CHA) received notice from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that the housing authority was designated as a “High Performer” for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012. The performance of the Columbia Housing Authority is evaluated by HUD on an annual basis

Public Input Requested – FYE2014 Capital Fund Program Planning

The Columbia Housing Authority is currently preparing our Annual 5-year plan for the Capital Fund Program (Modernization), for fiscal years 2013 to 2017 as well as ideas for futures years. We request ideas and suggestions every year from our Residents, Employees, Resident Advisory Board, Resident Associations and the Columbia community. We strongly encourage input from

Public Hearing and Survey on Community Development Needs

The City of Columbia’s Community Development Commission will be holding a public hearing Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Room 1A of City Hall, 701 E. Broadway. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for public input regarding the expenditure of CDBG and HOME funding. Please consider attending the

CHA Purchases Property for Affordable Housing

  CHA Purchases Properties in the Vicinity of Garth Avenue and Sexton Road for Affordable Housing Development   CHA Purchases Property for Affordable Housing Development 12-13-2012 Columbia, MO – December 13, 2012:  The Columbia Housing Authority (CHA) has acquired several properties located in the vicinity of the intersection of Garth Avenue and Sexton Road for

Public Comment Requested

Public comment is being requested on proposed changes to the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Administrative Plan Notice of Request for Public Comment The Columbia Housing Authority (CHA) is requesting public comment on proposed changes to the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Administrative Plan. These changes – proposed to take effect February 1,

2012 State of the CHA Annual Report

A Report to the CHA Board of Commissioners and the Community The State of the Columbia Housing Authority FY2012 Annual Report presents an opportunity to review the accomplishments and challenges of the past fiscal year, outline goals for the coming year, and provide a longer range view of the future of CHA.  The goal of

Affordable Housing Initiative

In May 2102, the Columbia Housing Authority (CHA) launched a new affordable housing initiative designed to strengthen and revitalize neighborhoods located in the Heart of Columbia.  The CHA believes it should be a leader in the development of affordable housing that is energy-efficient and fully accessible to persons with disabilities.  In this leadership role, the CHA

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